
hi there

I’m a multimedia specialist who tell stories that matter. I started GLASSFULLER to help organisations and businesses, big and small, to tell important stories that contribute to a better world.

Change starts with powerful storytelling. With my experience in advocacy, campaigning, multimedia production, and work in the international development space, you can rest assure you’re in the right hands. 

Whether you want to share your mission with the world, unpack a difficult issue, shift the conversation or mobilise a supporter base, I can help you. 

Clients I’ve worked for include University of New South Wales, the Centre for Refugee Research, Amnesty International Australia, Forced Migration Research Network, Act for Peace, The Fred Hollows Foundation, Oxfam, Save the Children, International Civil Society Centre, and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit).

For multimedia consultancy work, please email me at